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90 Days of Joy
You are Plenty!
In 90 days of Joy learn JUST how PLENTY you are!
Not your average worthy diet…

90 Days of Joy
You are Plenty!
In 90 days of Joy learn JUST how PLENTY you are!
Not your average worthy diet…

Being unapologetic about our Worth is OUR BIRTHRIGHT!

Who is she?

Do you even know who she is; or has she been hiding?

Are you living and feeling as the best YOU now?

Have you been dimming your goals and light for so long, that you don’t even realize they are dim?

Do you easily find yourself comparing and scrolling with resentment, when others seem to be achieving and living boldly?

Do you find yourself seeking validation outside yourself?

Do you say yes, when you mean no?

Do you find yourself saying “I almost did that?”

Do you easily doubt yourself?

Are you sick and tired of thinking it will change on your own?

What if you lost everything, would you still feel like you are enough

Would you know that you are plenty?

I know these feelings all too well.

It took me losing everything that “identified” my value and worth to feel LOST.

I lost the trust in my mentors.

I lost loved ones.

I realized I needed outside validation in order to feel like I was enough. 

I was chasing others’ ideas of joy, alignment, and happiness and living for them.

I lost the safety of my business I poured my worth into.

I kept signing up for the worthy diets hoping they would be that quick fix I needed. 

It took me having to lose everything and having to start over to know the value of worth in my life. 

So today, because of that journey, I am here to show you how  to unleash HER and know how more than enough you are; you are plenty!

So I ask…Are you worth investing in yourself to experience 90 Days of Joy?

Being unapologetic about our Worth is OUR BIRTHRIGHT!

Who is she?

Do you even know who she is; or has she been hiding?

Are you living and feeling as the best YOU now?

Have you been dimming your goals and light for so long, that you don’t even realize they are dim?

Do you easily find yourself comparing and scrolling with resentment, when others seem to be achieving and living boldly?

Do you find yourself seeking validation outside yourself?

Do you say yes, when you mean no?

Do you find yourself saying “I almost did that?”

Do you easily doubt yourself?

Are you sick and tired of thinking it will change on your own?

What if you lost everything, would you still feel like you are enough

Would you know that you are plenty?

I know these feelings all too well.

It took me losing everything that “identified” my value and worth to feel LOST.

I lost the trust in my mentors.

I lost loved ones.

I realized I needed outside validation in order to feel like I was enough. 

I was chasing others’ ideas of joy, alignment, and happiness and living for them.

I lost the safety of my business I poured my worth into.

I kept signing up for the worthy diets hoping they would be that quick fix I needed. 

It took me having to lose everything and having to start over to know the value of worth in my life. 

So today, because of that journey, I am here to show you how  to unleash HER and know how more than enough you are; you are plenty!

So I ask…Are you worth investing in yourself to experience 90 Days of Joy?

There is a SIMPLE REALISTIC WAY to your worth.

There is a SIMPLE REALISTIC WAY to your worth.


  • Know who she is. 
  • Know how plenty you are.
  • Change how you feel each day, based on clear intentions created by you.
  • Know how to execute and implement tangible shifts daily on your own; quickly.  
  • Say yes when you mean it, and no when you mean it.
  • Easily shift to better serving thoughts immediately.
  • Know how to nurture and use your triggers as your superpowers
  • Embrace your worth in all roles of your life in a realistic way.
  • Achieve and do what is important and aligned with you, because you are more than enough, you are plenty.
  • Finally be seen and supported as you for you, bond with a community of others who are also committed to unleashing “her!”

As a woman who has been on her journey for over 10 years (and counting), and also spent over 10 years as a leader in a Top Network Marketing company mentoring other woman, and now mentors others in their worth;  I value the vulnerability, courage, and commitment to show up for yourself and your WORTH!


  • Know who she is. 
  • Know how plenty you are.
  • Change how you feel each day, based on clear intentions created by you.
  • Know how to execute and implement tangible shifts daily on your own; quickly.  
  • Say yes when you mean it, and no when you mean it.
  • Easily shift to better serving thoughts immediately.
  • Know how to nurture and use your triggers as your superpowers
  • Embrace your worth in all roles of your life in a realistic way.
  • Achieve and do what is important and aligned with you, because you are more than enough, you are plenty.
  • Finally be seen and supported as you for you, bond with a community of others who are also committed to unleashing “her!”

As a woman who has been on her journey for over 10 years (and counting), and also spent over 10 years as a leader in a Top Network Marketing company mentoring other woman, and now mentors others in their worth;  I value the vulnerability, courage, and commitment to show up for yourself and your WORTH!

Over these 90 days unleash and unblock once and for all the BS that has been stopping you from feeling plenty.

My 90 days of Joy will create the worthy lifestyle just for you to maintain for years to come.

Over these 90 days unleash and unblock once and for all the BS that has been stopping you from feeling plenty. My 90 days of Joy will create the worthy lifestyle just for you to maintain for years to come.

Your Bonus Material:

1:1 Worthy Kickoff with Vallyann ($300 value) 

Before the 90 days begins, you will be given a worthy inventory to jumpstart your 90 days; and highlight your key triggers to jumpstart your blueprint. Questions you never thought to ask yourself!  You will receive an hour 1:1 with Vallyann to review your emotional inventory in detail. Together you will unlock the major theme that has been a hold on your worthy journey. 

A private collective community 

In this private Facebook group you will be able to create a bond with others committed to unleashing the worth within, 24/7!  To finally ditch the worthy diet, and commit to the worthy lifestyle. There will be monthly mocktail happy hours, weekly book club gatherings, and MORE to support you with the 90 day lifestyle material. Our worth is about JOY and FUN, which there will be a lot of in this community as well. I can’t share all the surprises! 

Pre-Recorded Masterclasses

Have access to exclusive pre-recorded  masterclasses, which dive into certain areas of our emotional worth! Enjoy supporting materials and workbooks!

Your Bonus Material:

1:1 Worthy Kickoff with Vallyann ($300 value) 

Before the 90 days begins, you will be given a worthy inventory to jumpstart your 90 days; and highlight your key triggers to jumpstart your blueprint. Questions you never thought to ask yourself!  You will receive an hour 1:1 with Vallyann to review your emotional inventory in detail. Together you will unlock the major theme that has been a hold on your worthy journey. 

A private collective community 

In this private Facebook group you will be able to create a bond with others committed to unleashing the worth within, 24/7!  To finally ditch the worthy diet, and commit to the worthy lifestyle. There will be monthly mocktail happy hours, weekly book club gatherings, and MORE to support you with the 90 day lifestyle material. Our worth is about JOY and FUN, which there will be a lot of in this community as well. I can’t share all the surprises! 

Pre-Recorded Masterclasses

Have access to exclusive pre-recorded  masterclasses, which dive into certain areas of our emotional worth! Enjoy supporting materials and workbooks!

Meet your mindset mentor Vallyann!

Valerie Cancellieri aka “Vallyann”

Creator of vallyannco LLC.

Hey! I am Valerie; aka Vallyann.  

I am literally beyond passionate about personal growth; energy; and investing in you. I also think I was a comedian in my former life.

I love to laugh. I love to be with the people I love. I love to rest. I love the beach. I love experiences. I will meditate and vent on the same day. I allow myself to be joyful, sad and angry at the same time, shame free. Why? Because your worth is a journey AND a balance. 

I am now a podcast host, and love to eat pizza, drink wine, and workout for balance. I am committed to being present each day; and being aligned in my worth. 

Although, it wasn’t always like that. I was fortunate enough to have a very successful career with a top network marketing company. The skills, confidence, and knowledge I gained from that company is something I will always cherish. The women I mentored and the growth I saw will always be something that fills my heart with joy. I realized I wanted to take WORTH further.   What was the common denominator? I noticed in every woman I mentored, how they felt about their worth or value was a huge factor. Rather they’re LACK of worth.

Vallyannco. LLC was created because I wanted to spread the word about worth, and how truly important it is when it comes to the quality of our lives. Whatever your life goal is; your worth will affect it negatively, or positively. I realized I never felt fulfilled regardless of my accolades, because my worth was not unwavering; until now.

You see, in the beautiful experience I also was disappointed, and hurt.  I realized the people I admired and idolized were not what I thought. It was toxic. The rose colored glasses were lifted. I left my leadership career and felt lost. I realized, I put all my worth in my achievements, and people “needing” me. That’s when I finally asked myself, “is my worth solely dependent on others and my accolades?”

It was.

Is your worth entangled in your work? Do you allow others’ toxicity dictate your value? I did. And, this is a real piece of life; that I now know how to recognize and overcome daily.

The TRUE work began. (Not the “fake it” kind).

I had to dig deep. Ask myself questions I never thought about; and be honest about my answers.


The podcast started.

The inner healing started.

I chose to face situations and emotions that I had been covering up with distractions for a LONG time.

Now I know how I feel and show up each day is DETERMINED by ME. Period.

Am I cured? Hell no.

Do I never get triggered?

Hell no… I still get triggered like so many people.

I will always be a people pleaser, and I will always have anxiety; the difference is I know the WHY behind it. I asked myself hard questions and listened to the answers. So now, I showed up daily. I chose me, unapologetically! 

I know the best version of me, I connect with her and am aligned with HER.

I accept my “growths” as my superpower. 

When we accept who we are, and CHOOSE to embrace the best us with the right practices, we are empowered; we are plenty.

When you join this PLENTY lifestyle with me, and commit to the worthy journey with me  know this – there will be laughter, tears, joy and gratitude (and a whole lot of realness) in this right space. Your life will shift. See you on the worthy side! 

Meet your mindset mentor Vallyann!

Valerie Cancellieri aka “Vallyann”

Creator of vallyannco LLC.

Hey! I am Valerie; aka Vallyann.  

I am literally beyond passionate about personal growth; energy; and investing in you. I also think I was a comedian in my former life.

I love to laugh. I love to be with the people I love. I love to rest. I love the beach. I love experiences. I will meditate and vent on the same day. I allow myself to be joyful, sad and angry at the same time, shame free. Why? Because your worth is a journey AND a balance. 

I am now a podcast host, and love to eat pizza, drink wine, and workout for balance. I am committed to being present each day; and being aligned in my worth. 

Although, it wasn’t always like that. I was fortunate enough to have a very successful career with a top network marketing company. The skills, confidence, and knowledge I gained from that company is something I will always cherish. The women I mentored and the growth I saw will always be something that fills my heart with joy. I realized I wanted to take WORTH further.   What was the common denominator? I noticed in every woman I mentored, how they felt about their worth or value was a huge factor. Rather they’re LACK of worth.

Vallyannco. LLC was created because I wanted to spread the word about worth, and how truly important it is when it comes to the quality of our lives. Whatever your life goal is; your worth will affect it negatively, or positively. I realized I never felt fulfilled regardless of my accolades, because my worth was not unwavering; until now.

You see, in the beautiful experience I also was disappointed, and hurt.  I realized the people I admired and idolized were not what I thought. It was toxic. The rose colored glasses were lifted. I left my leadership career and felt lost. I realized, I put all my worth in my achievements, and people “needing” me. That’s when I finally asked myself, “is my worth solely dependent on others and my accolades?”

It was.

Is your worth entangled in your work? Do you allow others’ toxicity dictate your value? I did. And, this is a real piece of life; that I now know how to recognize and overcome daily.

The TRUE work began. (Not the “fake it” kind).

I had to dig deep. Ask myself questions I never thought about; and be honest about my answers.


The podcast started.

The inner healing started.

I chose to face situations and emotions that I had been covering up with distractions for a LONG time.

Now I know how I feel and show up each day is DETERMINED by ME. Period.

Am I cured? Hell no.

Do I never get triggered?

Hell no… I still get triggered like so many people.

I will always be a people pleaser, and I will always have anxiety; the difference is I know the WHY behind it. I asked myself hard questions and listened to the answers. So now, I showed up daily. I chose me, unapologetically! 

I know the best version of me, I connect with her and am aligned with HER.

I accept my “growths” as my superpower. 

When we accept who we are, and CHOOSE to embrace the best us with the right practices, we are empowered; we are plenty.

When you join this PLENTY lifestyle with me, and commit to the worthy journey with me  know this – there will be laughter, tears, joy and gratitude (and a whole lot of realness) in this right space. Your life will shift. See you on the worthy side! 

“ I am ready to unleash and unblock the WORTH within!”

“ I am ready to unleash and unblock the WORTH within!”

But why 90 days?

It has been shown that not just 21 days builds a habit, but 90 days builds a LIFESTYLE. 90 days is often considered a significant milestone for transforming a habit into a lifestyle. By consistently practicing a behavior for three months, you have a better chance of solidifying it as a sustainable part of your daily life. 

What 90 days of JOY is NOT:

  • This is not a “fake it till’ you make it” toxic positivity program.
  • This is not a quick fix to your confidence.
  • This is not a CURE for you.
  • 90 Days of Joy is not a generic program.
  • It is not me talking AT you.
  • This is not a worthy DIET. 

What 90 days of JOY is:

  • It is a FACE it and you are going to MAKE it program. With my support and methods you will safely face the BS that has been holding you back, to FINALLY accept and allow your awareness and triggers to be your superpowers.
  • It is about EMBRACING who you are; WHERE you are on YOUR journey.
  • It is a program designed to allow you to CREATE and implement the intentions and thoughts to finally BE who you are MEANT to be. Plenty.
  • It is a commitment between me and you. I SHOW up for you; and you also SHOW up for you – for the full 90 days.
  • KNOWING how to feel PLENTY each day; no matter what.
  • It is a personal program; your worth is PERSONAL  therefore your journey should be too,
  • It is not a starting and stopping program, you will show up for yourself daily, weekly, and monthly and INDEFINITELY!
  • You are not going to be cured, rather you will be reminded of your WORTH; and designed to show up as her daily.
  • It is FOR the WOMAN who is READY to commit to HER; ready to leave the BS behind.
  • It is for the WOMAN who is ready to realize it doesn’t take moving MOUNTAINS to finally FEEL enough. KNOWING you are ENOUGH as you ARE.

Your worth leads to your:



better mindset,

joyful days,

stronger health,

intentional goals,

more peace,

true alignment. 

But why 90 days?

It has been shown that not just 21 days builds a habit, but 90 days builds a LIFESTYLE. 90 days is often considered a significant milestone for transforming a habit into a lifestyle. By consistently practicing a behavior for three months, you have a better chance of solidifying it as a sustainable part of your daily life. 

What 90 days of JOY is NOT:

  • This is not a “fake it till’ you make it” toxic positivity program.
  • This is not a quick fix to your confidence.
  • This is not a CURE for you.
  • 90 Days of Joy is not a generic program.
  • It is not me talking AT you.
  • This is not a worthy DIET. 

What 90 days of JOY is:

  • It is a FACE it and you are going to MAKE it program. With my support and methods you will safely face the BS that has been holding you back, to FINALLY accept and allow your awareness and triggers to be your superpowers.
  • It is about EMBRACING who you are; WHERE you are on YOUR journey.
  • It is a program designed to allow you to CREATE and implement the intentions and thoughts to finally BE who you are MEANT to be. Plenty.
  • It is a commitment between me and you. I SHOW up for you; and you also SHOW up for you – for the full 90 days.
  • KNOWING how to feel PLENTY each day; no matter what.
  • It is a personal program; your worth is PERSONAL  therefore your journey should be too,
  • It is not a starting and stopping program, you will show up for yourself daily, weekly, and monthly and INDEFINITELY!
  • You are not going to be cured, rather you will be reminded of your WORTH; and designed to show up as her daily.
  • It is FOR the WOMAN who is READY to commit to HER; ready to leave the BS behind.
  • It is for the WOMAN who is ready to realize it doesn’t take moving MOUNTAINS to finally FEEL enough. KNOWING you are ENOUGH as you ARE.

Your worth leads to your 

  • confidence,

  • happiness,

  • better mindset,

  • joyful days,

  • stronger health,

  • intentional goals,

  • More peace,

  • True alignment. 

90 Days of Joy includes:

  • Weekly training incorporating  methodologies that will be implemented immediately. 
  • Monthly 1:1 growth and strategy sessions (to measure your progress  and customize your plan).
  • Ways to grow and implement REALISTIC methods in an already FULL LIFE.
  • Bi-weekly joyful happy hours with guest speakers (mocktails, connections, celebrations, OH MY!)
  • Weekly book club meet-ups to discuss power packed themes (BONUS the books will be GIFTED!)
  • Materials focused strictly on worthy practices. 
  • Group SPOTIFY playlists for HIGH VIBE support.
  • And bonus materials previously mentioned!

90 Days of Joy includes:

  • Weekly training incorporating  methodologies that will be implemented immediately. 
  • Monthly  1:1 growth and strategy sessions (to measure your progress  and customize your plan).
  • Ways to grow and implement REALISTIC methods in an already FULL LIFE.
  • Bi-weekly joyful happy hours with guest speakers (mocktails, connections, celebrations, OH MY!)
  • Weekly book club meet-ups to discuss power packed themes (BONUS the books will be GIFTED!)
  • Materials focused strictly on worthy practices. 
  • Group SPOTIFY playlists for HIGH VIBE support.
  • And bonus materials previously mentioned!

Unleash and Unblock your Worth.

Time to be plenty.

Join the community today!

Unleash and Unblock your Worth.

Time to be plenty.

Join the community today!

Your next chance to join 90 Days of Joy will begin in FEB 2024.


Don’t wait until next year though… check out the FIVE Day Worthy Workshop and other great resources here to jump start your journey.